Culture Costume and Dress

15-17th November 2023

Paper submissions

Please note that this year’s conference will be online.

You should submit an abstract in the first instance. On acceptance, you will be invited to submit a full paper.

Abstracts of up to 250 words are invited. They should be written in English, giving a brief outline of the paper including aims, methodology, findings, and conclusion.

Abstracts should be sent to:
Please include in a separate attachment personal and affiliation details.

All abstracts will be peer reviewed and included in the Book of Abstracts.

Full papers will be invited on acceptance of abstracts.

Papers should be 1000-3000 words, including abstract, keywords, and references, and should be submitted in Word format, using 12 point font.

Please use the following structure:

  • Title
  • Author(s) name(s)
  • Affiliation(s)
  • Title, author(s) and affiliation(s) should appear on a separate sheet
  • Abstract
  • Keywords – up to five
  • Main text
  • References using Harvard system
  • Attachments – tables, figures etc
  • Tables and figures should be submitted separately, with an indication in the text of where they should appear

Deadline for full papers: 15 December 2023.

All papers will be peer reviewed. You should submit a revised version, taking account of the reviewers’ comments.

Deadline for final revised paper: 17 February 2024.

All final revised papers will be included in the Book of Proceedings with an assigned ISBN.