Culture Costume and Dress

5-7th May 2021 (CLOSED)

Ben Barry

Ben Barry (he/him) is Chair and Associate Professor of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in the School of Fashion at Ryerson University. As of July 2021, he will join Parsons School of Design as the Dean of Fashion and Visiting Associate Professor of Equity and Inclusion. Using wardrobe interviews and arts-based methods, Ben’s research examines the shifting relationships between masculinity and fashion with a focus on the experiences of wearers in everyday life and the entanglements of masculinity with queer, fat and disabled embodiments. He has been awarded numerous grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) to support his research agenda, and he has published his research in outlets including Fashion TheoryTextileGender & SocietyFat Studies,Harvard Business Review and the Business of Fashion. Ben is co-editor of Crossing Gender Boundaries: Fashion to Create, Disrupt and Transcend (Intellect); co-editor of Fashion Studies, the first English-language open-access journal in fashion; and co-editor of The Fashion Activist: Transforming Fashion Education and Ending Body Oppression (in-progress, Intellect). He holds an undergraduate degree in women and gender studies from the University of Toronto and a Master’s in Innovation, Strategy and Organization and PhD in Management from Cambridge University.